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The True Cost of Raising Wages in Your Dental Practice

The True Cost of Raising Wages in Your Dental Practice

An example of the tax benefit of giving employees a $1.00/hour raise in an average dental practice.
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Employee Retention Strategy: Stay Interviews

Employee Retention Strategy: Stay Interviews

Conducting stay interviews is a great strategy to increase your employee retention rate.
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Preparing Your Practice for an Economic Downturn

Preparing Your Practice for an Economic Downturn

Implement best practices now to be better prepared for the effect of an economic downturn on a practice.
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Production-Based Bonuses: Best Practices

Production-Based Bonuses: Best Practices

Production-based bonuses incentivize your team to produce at their highest level. Consider these best practices when designing a bonus structure for your dental practice.
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Writing a Business Plan Series – Step 9: The Financial Plan

Writing a Business Plan Series – Step 9: The Financial Plan

The financial plan briefly summarizes your practice’s current status & projections for future financial performance. Here is a list of elements to include in the financial plan section of your business plan.
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Fund your IRA for 2022 & 2023 Today

Fund your IRA for 2022 & 2023 Today

You have until April 15, 2023, to fund your IRA/ROTH IRA account for 2022. It’s best to also fund your account for 2023 at the same time to get it taken care of early.
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Decrease No-call No-Show Rates at Your Dental Practice with Deposits

Decrease No-call No-Show Rates at Your Dental Practice with Deposits

Require deposits for new patients for procedures that last longer than 1 hour to reduce no-call no-show rates at your dental practice.
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