Decrease No-call No-Show Rates at Your Dental Practice with Deposits
Require deposits for new patients for procedures that last longer than 1 hour to reduce no-call no-show rates at your dental practice.
The SECURE Act 2.0: What You Need to Know
Notable retirement plan provisions in the SECURE Act 2.0.
Beginning of the Year Payroll Checklist
Start your 2023 payroll off right with this helpful checklist.
The Benefits of ROTH Conversions in a Bear Market
Now is a great time for a ROTH conversion!
Take advantage of tax deductions for small business owners
As a small business owner, you’ll want to take advantage of any applicable tax deductions that can reduce your tax liability. Here are some deductions...6 ways to fine-tune your virtual meeting experience
Whether you work from home or in an office, virtual meetings are here to stay. That’s why we’ve got tips on improving and updating your virtual meetin...
The automation myth: Automation replaces good people
Discover how, even in the smallest business, automation helps to fill gaps and reduce the stress on your team—without replacing people.
9 ways to save for retirement
Saving for retirement sounds daunting, but it’s a must. Learn these nine time-honored, proven strategies to start building your retirement nest egg to...
Scheduling 'me' time: Tips for self-care
Scheduling “me time” is important for both physical and mental health. Here are self-care tips for those moments that need a breather.
How Gen Z will shift the working world
Gen Z’s energy, ideas and ideals are already changing how businesses operate. Learn more about what this dynamic generation can bring to the workforce...
Learn from your return with these tax takeaways
Here are five takeaways from this year’s tax return to help make next year’s tax time easier—and possibly even more financially rewarding.
5 myths about accountants
Accountants get a bad rap as dull, boring and mousy. Find out just how cool they can actually be. (Mick Jagger, anyone?)
The ins and outs of travel insurance
With summer travel on the horizon and a pandemic in the rear-view mirror, you may still need to consider travel insurance. Here’s why.
3 things you can do to make your accountant happy at tax time
Want to be your accountant’s favorite client? Use these tips to prepare for your tax return appointment, and you’ll be a shoo-in for #1.